Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Missing Paris

Dear Paris, I still think about you sometimes.
I think about all the good times, all the awkward times, all the times I was late to meet you. I still think about how good you were for me and how I might not have been too good to you. I know I left a while ago and I'm sorry I still haven't said goodbye I just can't find the words. But know I do miss you and this is not my final goodbye


  1. dear kali,

    we read this as a class today

    luke asked, "where is she?"

    someone said starbucks, someone said nike outlet, the important thing is that you still exist somewhere, wherever you are

    i always wondered if you would check that last box on the bucket list

    you know where to find us

    p.s. we are putting our book together this week. you should send me a couple of pieces of your writing and/or your artwork. each writer gets approximately 4 pages of a word document. plan accordingly. send us your stuff....

    1. Luke, I'm at work. And I don't think I really deserve to have pages in the book I'm not even in the class anymore
